Effusions is looking for artists to publish, and maybe it’s you! BUT perhaps you’re slightly nervous about submitting (who wouldn’t be). So, to make you feel better about this whole process, here’s a couple reasons as to why you should, in fact, submit!
For starters, student run publications are a great way to get your name out there as a young artist. Think of it this way, a quick submission could easily make you a ~published~ artist by the time you graduate (maybe even a published artist x2 or x3 or even x4) and that’s pretty cool, if you ask us!
Next, Effusions is officially supported by Miami University’s Art Department, so, if you’re looking to have a little edge on your fellow classmates, look no further.
ALSO, maybe we’re nerds, but getting a (really) good grade on a paper or project is kind of an otherworldly feeling. Think of being published as being extremely similar to this feelings, but just a little better… because you’ve just been published.

Lastly, because everyone loves a nice sob story, we figured we’d remind you about our one painter-friend Vincent Van Gogh. You see, Vincent was really good at art, like really really good, but he only ever sold one painting. He lived and died as a wildly unsuccessful artist and by the time he reached this international success, death had already come a-knockin’ (which happens to be a particularly horrible story on it’s own).
Basically, moral of the story, don’t wait your whole life to be wildly successful! Every artist needs to start somewhere, so submit to Effusions 🙂