Effusions 2019-2020 is Here!

Click image to open Effusions 2019-2020

It is my pleasure to announce the release the 25th volume of Effusions!

This past year has posed unprecedented challenges for the Effusions Team. In 2019 we heard of the loss of Adrienne Boggan. Adrienne attended a few Effusions team meetings with her sister Camille Boggan (Miami University ’19) who was a Content Editor for two years. Adrienne was an extremely talented student artist and kind person. We wanted to recognize her and her art in some way and decided to include a Memorial Section in this year’s issue of Effusions. Our hearts are with the entire Boggan Family.

With the spread of COVID-19 and the closure of Miami University’s campuses in mid-March, the Editorial Team was forced to disband at the most crucial time in the journal’s production. The team unanimously chose not to cancel the 2019-2020 journal and opted for a fully online version. We received numerous submissions from amazing student artists and we are so excited that we can still share their work with you!

I am immensely grateful for the hard work of our graphic designer Emily Drexelius throughout this year and especially during quarantine. Without her help and talent, the journal would not be possible. I also want to thank our faculty adviser Dr. Annie Dell’Aria for her continued support and guidance during this time.

It has been my honor to be the Editor-in-Chief for this year’s edition of Effusions and I will be forever grateful for the friends and experiences this publication has given me. I hope you enjoy Effusions 2019-2020!

Written by: Diana Kate Karsanow, 2019-2020 Editor-in-Chief

Join Effusions in 2020!

Effusions is back and we are quickly approaching our submission deadline for our 2020 issue! We are in search of new members for our editing team so if you are interested in art, art history, writing, editing, graphic design, marketing, or publishing you should join! Our first meeting of the semester is next Tuesday 2/11 at 3pm in the Art Building Lobby. We hope to see you there! Email mueffusions@gmail.com with any questions.


The Effusions Team is so excited to announce that submissions for our 2020 issue are open! All Miami University students can submit work and all artistic mediums are welcome! Email mueffusions@gmail.com with your submissions or with any questions!